
Friday, February 24, 2017

Part Two

Here it is Part Two of Why I've been gone

I have made a decision at 58 years old that I'm going back to school and I'm going to Culinary School. A 12 month Culinary Program opened here last year. I've taken many of the community classes in the evening from Braising to Sushi and enjoyed them and the teachers. I have always wanted to go to Culinary School and the timing was right so I enrolled.

Now the scary part after 40 years out of school I had to pass 2 english and 2 math tests. No joke I freaked out. I am horrible at math, so horrible I considered quitting right there. Thanks to the wonderful teacher in the Student Success class I had to take to enroll, I stuck with it.

The second day of the class I got sick with a nasty cold/flu which did not help me one bit with studying. Friday, February 10th I took the tests. I passed 3 of the 4 tests and of course it was one of the math tests. The second week of the Student Success class was the teacher working with you on the areas you needed help with. Thank goodness on Friday when I took the test I passed.

I am already making lists of what career move I want to do with this experience. I do know I do not want to work in a restaurant unless it was my own and I need experience before even considering that.  I am considering a Personal Chef, a small venue event and catering business, working for a magazine, recipe developer, recipe tester my list keeps growing.

I'm very excited to see where this new adventure takes me and I will take you along for the ride. My first class starts April 6th with Kitchen Safety.

With Love,

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Reason I've been Gone

This will be a two part post

Part one

A while back my daughter called me to let me know her and her husband were moving to Florida. This did not set well with me. It's bad enough to be 7 hours away from her but I can get to her the same day. But Florida is the other side of the country. I've been having separation issues since we moved away 4 plus years ago. I understood why she moved back to California, there is no work for her in this town, her tattoos were an issue, guys, yeah slim pickings unless you are of the church and being Utah I don't have to spell it out.

Usually I go with the flow and I don't question what she does. She is a smart girl and she needs to live her own life. This time I opened my mouth, part of it was selfish on my end. Hey, I only have one child, I'm not going to apologize for that she is my world. I did give her some stuff to think about.

I was in a complete funk, depressed, over eating, not wanting to do a damn thing but sulk. I few days after we talked she called me and let me know they were not moving to Florida. You think I would be jumping up and down celebrating. Nope, I went into a further depression worrying that my butting in would change our relationship or she would be resentful for me voicing very loudly my concerns.

None of that happened thankfully. We have always had a very strong and close relationship. I learned that I need not get so emotional when we talk about these things and that it is her life. On the flip side as a mom it is okay to present things that I could see as being an obstacle and that maybe she needs to do more research before making a rash decision.

I will be back soon with Part 2.

With Love,