
Sunday, January 1, 2017


Welcome to Sparklers in my Hair,

I'm Pam Capone aka Sparklers in my Hair, I chose that name for my greying hair. I'm not new to blogging, I had a food blog for years called Living Rancho Delux. I decided it was time to close that chapter in my life. There are so many better and younger food bloggers out there and I wanted to hopefully find a venue that fit me better.

I planned on taking a break from blogging to try to figure out what my next plan of attack was. I ran into some health issues, which I will explain more in detail in another post, it ended up being almost 1 1/2 year break. The first year I didn't even think about blogging....then that little voice in my head said get off your ass and start doing something with your life. Blogging helps keep me in check and accountable for the things I want to do.

What did I come up with?  A "Life Style" blog for women over 50, I more than qualify for this endeavor as I am 58 years old.  I'm going to include all the things I enjoy or want to try. Here is a list of what I'm going to cover.

1.  Health and Fitness
2.  Creativity which will include arts/crafts/photography and planners
3.  Focus on home, fashion and YIKES! Make-up, at this age it's a whole different ball game
4.  I will even throw in some recipies. I do enjoy cooking

Mondays will always be the same platform and that will be health and fitness. As time goes on I will see where the other posts take me.

Starting 2017 I will be joining the One Little Word movement by Ali Edwards.  My word for 2017 is Jump.

I will also be sharing my wonderful family with you, my husband Bill, my daughter Anna, my son-in-law Cliff and my fur baby Olive, the English Bull Terrier, my little clown.

This is just a short introduction, I hope that we can all get to know each other better and you will join me on this journey.

With Love,

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